Victory Is Evident

This has the energy of victory.

How to use: One approach of many – Softly stare at the center of the image for around 30 seconds, whilst looking and feeling this say “I choose to receive whats for my highest good.” Give some time to allow yourself to receive.

Donate: Support my work

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Spiritual Heart

This energy art piece is what some call the Spiritual Heart.

Around 13 years ago in my early days of meditation I had read people talking about love in the heart, and I had no idea what they were talking about. I’d put my awareness on the center of my chest and just feel nothing, thinking that was normal.

I remember being very curious to experience and understand what an open heart really is, what is it like to feel love and bliss in the heart, and how deep can I really go.

Eventually I found what I know today as the Spiritual Heart. I remember how ecstatic I was when I found it within myself. I was fist pumping in the air.

From that point I spent years remaining on it. For a period of around 5 years everyday, for an hour or two, sometimes more, remaining on the Spiritual Heart was my only practice. I remember spending my weekend nights, being in my room remaining on it, whilst everyone was out partying.

I knew I dis-covered something profound, pure, transcendent, transformative and a way home to myself. I also knew this in everyone else too.

The Spiritual Heart is basically a doorway to a cosmic you and God. It taps into a cosmic depth of yourself which has incredible bliss, intelligence and energy.

Remaining and letting go into it, allows yourself to harmonise, heal, feel peace and adjust through the intelligence of a cosmic you, instead of from your “3D” mind and personality.

Which means anything can be shifted and supported with such grace, intuition, love and effortlessness.

It helps you transform your body, emotions, pain, mind, lightbody, limitations, and your beingness within creation.
It helps you transcend creation and forms into limitless boundless bliss.

It is so simple yet so powerful.

This artwork and its layered multidimensional energy is transmitted from within the Spiritual Heart Gate.

May this artwork show you this within yourself and help you as much as it did for me.

How to use: One approach of many – Softly stare at the center of the image for around 30 seconds, whilst looking and feeling this say “I choose to receive whats for my highest good.” Give some time to allow yourself to receive.

Donate: Support my work

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